Oregon City, Oregon Couples Photographer

3 tips for amazing couples portraits!

Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare for your couple’s session. Remember, this is about love, not perfection!

# 1: Remember your why

Why do you want photos of you and your significant other? Why would anyone?

Most of the time, it’s because this person that we love is our other half. What we love, we value, and what we value, we want to preserve. These memories that you are making, every year, every month, and every day are moments to cherish, to hang on to. 

Documenting who you are as a couple will be a future blessing to look back on, as well as a gift in the present. Having great photographs of you together is something that will pay for itself in the joy that you get from seeing your love so truly captured. 

So, why does remembering this matter? 

It’s so easy to become stiff and feel locked up when we get in front of the camera, because it’s difficult for some of us to feel natural when our photo is being taken. We become hyper aware of the photographer. 

But, when we are able to remember that these photos are meant to show our love, and that in order for that to happen, we need to show our love for eachother, we gain a new perspective that can allow us to relax. 

Act natural! Easier said than done, but I can help. Photo by Aquilina Larkins Photography

Does that still sound hard? The good news is that a professional photographer will be able to employ prompts and posing techniques that will help even the most camera-shy couples fall into the swing of their natural, beautiful interactions and banish awkwardness. 

Recently, I had a client tell me this about her engagement photography experience:

 “I think that you are really good at coming up with things for people to do that keep their mind off of the fact that they are in a photo shoot. It really made me more relaxed and I often forgot that you were really even there.”

As a photographer, this means the world to me! My goal is to disappear and let your relationship shine through in the final photos. That said, I don’t leave everything up to chance and all the hard work on your shoulders. By using movement in my prompts, I allow you to step into your natural expressions and mannerisms, and that helps me capture you as you are, the way your love sees you. That will be a priceless treasure that you will carry forward through your life together. 

#2: I’ve said it before…

Don’t look at the camera, unless I direct you to do so. This one small change will take your photos from stiff and posed to free and expressive. When a couple interacts lovingly with each other, how easy is it to see their feelings, their emotions? 

I always make sure to get some great classic shots where you are looking at the camera as well, but these types of photos shouldn’t be the only ones of you and your love. 

# 3: Maintain connection!

In photos, connection is conveyed without words. It is a moment in time. In order to make sure your connection as a couple comes across, there are two simple things to keep in mind during your photoshoot. 

  • Physical connection: 

hold hands, hug, caress, make sure your hands are occupied with a loving gesture

  • Emotional connection:

make eye contact with or look at each other. 

I hope this helps you feel prepared for your portraits! It’s about your love, your connection, and who you are, not about perfection. You are going to do amazing, and your photos will be the proof!!


Oregon City couple’s and wedding photographer.

Engagement photos that showcase your love by Aquilina